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Chiku Za | Shakuhachi Jinashi

El sitio del Shakuhachi Jinashi

Chiku Za

Chiku Za (Kodama Hiroyuki) comenzó el estudio del honkyoku en los Shakuhachi jinashi (hotchiku) con Okuda Atsuya en 1989. Muy pronto comprendió que el shakuhachi era su camino en la vida, y rápidamente llegó a ser el estudiante principal de Okuda. También estudió construcción de shakuhachi jinashi con Murai Eigoro durante muchos años. Chiku Za vive con su familia en las montañas de Nagano, donde se dedica a tocar koten honkyoku, cosechar bambú, construir shakuhachi jinashi, y recibir en su casa a estudiantes que permanecen un tiempo en las montañas para aprender honkyoku, y recibir lecciones de construcción.

Very soon after, he found the Shakuhachi to be his path in life and also quickly became Okuda’s main student. Chiku Za also studied jinashi Shakuhachi making with Murai Eigoro for many years and moved with his family to the mountains in Nagano, where he is also able to harvest his own bamboo, to devote his life to Shakuhachi playing and making. In view of his renown, he receives many Shakuhachi players at his home who wish to learn how to make Shakuhachi and learn about honkyoku. Chiku Za continues to perform koten honkyoku and make jinashi Shakuhachi from his home in the mountains.